After speaking with many Police Officers and Firefighters about
health and wellness, stretching is a common area of concern among Tactical
Athletes. Stretching may be classified
as dynamic or static stretching. Dynamic
stretching, or stretching with movement, should be completed before completing
any fitness program. Walking lunges and standing
rotating toe touches are both examples of dynamic stretches.
Conversely, static stretching, or stretches which are held
for 30-60 seconds, should be completed after exercising. Static stretches include hamstring stretching
with a strap and pectoralis major stretching in a doorway. If static stretching is completed before
exercising, you are placing yourself at increased risk of injury.
Benefits of stretching
Increase blood flow to muscles
Increase flexibility
Increase range of motion and mobility
Enable muscles to work more effectively
Increase athletic performance
Decrease risk of injury
While completing dynamic and static stretching, you should
experience some discomfort, but no sharp pain.
If a stretch is painful, you are stretching too far. Stretching should be gentle and not be forced. It is important to stretch both the right and
left sides. Stretching only one side also
places you more at risk for injury. While
stretching, do not hold your breath. If
you are injured, you should consult a healthcare professional before stretching
an injured area.
By: J. Scott, DPT, ATC
The Mayo Clinic
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