Is proper sleep really that important?

Is proper sleep really that important?

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The short answer is Yes! 

Sleep is more important than many tactical athletes will admit or acknowledge.  There is more to sleep than just closing your eyes and waiting for the Sand Man to pay you a visit.  Proper sleep is essential to optimal health and function for tactical athletes whose job requires them to be at peak physical, cognitive, and mental performance. 

More often than not, tactical athletes have very poor sleep habits.  Between shift work, deployment schedules, and being woken up multiple times throughout the night for emergencies, it can be very difficult to get the proper amount of sleep.  Tactical athletes require 7-9 hours of sleep within a 24 hour time period.  Ideally this should be an uninterrupted 7-9 hours, however, with shift work it is ok to take a “Power nap” during the day. 

When the body does not receive 7-9 hours of sleep it starts to experience sleep deprivation and begins to function in an impaired state.  Sleep deprivation weakens your ability to perform your job, negatively impacting cognitive performance, physical health, and mental health.  In addition, sleep deprivation is a carcinogen, in which lack of sleep prevents the body from healing.  

Negative effects of sleep deprivation
·         Body aches and pains
·         Anxiety and depression
·         Decreased immune function – you are more at risk for certain illnesses and cancers
·         Decreased learning and memory
·         Decreased vigilance and alertness
·         Decreased concentration and problem-solving
·         Diabetes
·         High blood pressure
·         Impairs healing and recovery
·         Impairs judgement
·         Increases stress
·         Poor decision-making and judgement
·         Prevents muscle growth
·         Weight gain – due to increased feelings of hunger
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Steps to better sleep
·         On nights you are not working, follow a sleep schedule – go to bed at the same time each night and get the full 7-9 hours of sleep
·         Nutrition and hydration – avoid going to bed on an empty stomach or after eating a large meal; nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol all negatively affect proper sleep
·         Environment matters – the room should be dark, cool, and quiet; limit screen time before going to bed (turn off all screens at least an hour before going to bed)
·         Regular physical activity – exposure to sunshine during the day promotes regularity in the sleep-wake cycle; regular physical activity also promotes a regular sleep-wake cycle
·         Stress management – find what helps for you – mindfulness, physical activity, meditation, religion, etc. 
·         Relax before bedtime – deep breathing, gentle stretching, guided imagery
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Optimal performance is necessary to safely and effectively perform your job.  When deprived of proper sleep, you are putting yourself, your fellow tactical athletes, and those you are protecting/helping in danger. 

By:  J. Scott, DPT, ATC, TSAC-F
National Athletic Trainers Association
National Strength and Conditioning Association
The Mayo Clinic
