Proper lifting and body mechanics

Proper lifting and body mechanics

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On October 29, the ice hockey and spinal cord injury communities both lost an icon.  Travis Roy was an American ice hockey player.  As a young, promising college hockey player he played for Boston University.  During his freshman year, Travis was selected to play on a starting line in the first game of the season.  11 seconds into his shift on the ice, he was checked into the boards and sustained neck fractures.  This injury left Travis Roy a quadriplegic.  In a fraction of a second, Travis Roy’s life changed forever.  After his injury, he started the Travis Roy Foundation, which raises awareness and funds for spinal cord injuries and research.  As the founder and inspiration behind the Travis Roy Foundation, his legacy has touched countless individuals.  

Although not all spinal injuries are as severe as Travis Roy’s, injuries to the spine can be very debilitating.  Back injuries are among the highest percentage of work-related injuries for Tactical Athletes.  Travis Roy didn’t get a choice in his injury, and not every injury that happens on the job is within your control as a Tactical Athlete.  However, your training should focus on injury prevention.  Practicing proper body mechanics will assist in preventing injuries.

Proper body mechanics

  • Stand as close as possible to the load you are lifting. 
  • Keep your spine in a neutral position; bend and lift from the hips and the knees.  Don’t bend forward from the spine.
  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep the object you are lifting and carrying close to your body.
  • Ideally, the object you are lifting/carrying should be kept within the power zone.  This is the area between the mid-chest to the mid-thigh (the area within the baseball strike zone). 
  • Doesn’t twist through the spine while lifting or carrying something heavy. 
  • It is better for your back to push, rather than pull, if possible.
  • Breathe!  Don’t hold your breath! 

In addition to appropriate body mechanics, proper nutrition, core strengthening, and cardiovascular endurance activities are also important for maintaining a healthy spine to ensure pain-free activities on and off the job. 

By:  J. Scott, DPT, ATC, TSAC-F


Michigan Medicine University of Michigan

U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Ergonomics Program

The Mayo Clinic

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
