How to avoid significant weight gain during the holiday season

How to avoid significant weight gain during the holiday season

As the leaves turn various shades of yellows, oranges, and reds, and with the first autumn morning frost, the start of the holiday season is just around the corner in New England.  That means more time will be spent around the kitchen table with family and friends.  Although a time of year to enjoy the company of others and reflect upon our blessings, there is a way to enjoy the many traditional foods and desserts without gaining a significant amount of weight.

  • Stay active
  • Eat the foods you enjoy and you will be less likely to overindulge, as you will be satisfied with less
  • Focus on portion size and be mindful of when you feel hungry vs when you are full
  • Keep it simple by choosing one or two realistic goals to follow during the busy holiday season, that are easier to achieve
  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep a night
  • Be in control of your stress level
  • Don’t forget that alcohol adds calories to your diet
  • Avoid processed foods and try cooking things from scratch with fresh ingredients whenever possible
  • Maintaining a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle is all about balance

Be creative and enjoy the holiday season.  The holidays only come around once a year.  After the stress of the last year and a half, take time to enjoy your loved ones and honor those who are no longer with us.  Food is a part of the holiday tradition; take a step back to savor all that the season brings.  Don’t be afraid to enjoy old traditions and make new memories.

By:  J. Scott, DPT, ATC, CSCS, TSAC-F

Sources:  The Mayo Clinic

