Alternative health and wellness practices

Alternative health and wellness practices

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A firefighter I have been working with recently requested a blog post on alternative health and wellness practices for tactical athletes.  Below is a list of alternative medical practices that I hope you find helpful.  These alternative practices are not intended to replace traditional medical practices, but may be used to supplement a healthy lifestyle. 
Image result for acupuncture
This practice is based on ancient Chinese medicine.  The body is mapped out into meridians.  By placing very thin, non-hallow needles at specific points on the body, there is a balance in the flow of energy (or Chi) through these meridians.  Acupuncture may be used to help treat a variety of conditions, including pain and stress.  Most commonly there are 6-8 treatment sessions for each ailment/condition, however, this number is dependent upon the individual’s diagnosis and its severity.  There are 1-2 treatments per week.  The diagnosis determines where the needles will be placed; needles may be placed at various locations on the body other than where the pain is.  There is little to no discomfort when the needles are inserted and removed from the skin.  The needles may remain in place for 10-20 minutes.  Everyone responds a little differently to acupuncture, with some people feeling relaxed and others feeling more energized.  There are some risks and side effects associated with acupuncture that you should consult a licensed professional about before receiving this treatment. 

Image result for chiropractic manipulation
This procedure involves manipulation, using a controlled, sudden force, of a bone or bones to improve mobility and restore proper alignment.  There may be a pop or crack associated with the manipulation.  After treatment, minor side effects may include headache, fatigue, or pain.  There are some risks and serious complications associated with chiropractic adjustment.  Do not receive chiropractic treatment if you have an increased risk of stroke, a known bone abnormality, cancer, numbness/tingling/weakness in an extremity, or severe arthritis. 

Cupping therapy
What Is Cupping? Does It Work? | Cedars-Sinai
There are different types of cupping therapy – dry cupping and wet cupping.  Most practitioners within the United States practice dry cupping.  With this treatment technique, suction cups are placed over the treatment areas to assist with pain and promote healing of injured tissues.  Different from massage therapy in which the body tissues are compressed, cupping therapy utilizes negative pressure to separate the tissues.  This treatment may be used to treat pain, depression, gastrointestinal conditions, headaches, respiratory congestion, and break down scar tissue.  Side effects after treatment may be more intense when first starting cupping therapy but lessen as you continue to receive treatment.  Side effects are different for everyone and include fatigue, soreness, hunger, no appetite, thirst, and headaches.  The most common side effect after treatment is the presence of circular red/purple markings over the treatment areas.  These markings will go away on their own within a week’s time.  Cupping therapy should not be performed on individuals with certain medical conditions.  Consult a certified cupping therapist before receiving this treatment. 

Dry needling
Image result for dry needling hand
This practice is based on modern Western medicine.  Very thin, non-hallow needles are placed in areas of the body with increased muscle tightness or pain to help relieve discomfort and increase mobility.  There can be up to 3 treatments a week of dry needling.  Unlike acupuncture, the needles are placed where the pain or injury is located.  The number of treatments is dependent upon the individual’s diagnosis and its severity.  There is little to no discomfort when the needles are inserted and removed from the skin.  While the needles are in place, the individual will experience a deep, dull aching, and the needles may remain in place for up to 20 minutes.  There are some risks and side effects associated with dry needling that you should consult a licensed professional about before receiving this treatment. 

Massage therapy
Image result for massage therapy
Involves the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues to decrease pain, promote healing, and relieve stress.  This type of treatment uses different techniques of varying movements and amount of pressure. 

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During this type of mind-body medicine, the goal is to achieve internal focus, in which random thoughts are minimized.  There are many different forms of meditation, however, most involve being in a comfortable, relaxed position in a quiet environment to concentrate with an open attitude.  Meditation has been shown to help decrease anxiety, burnout, depression, fatigue, insomnia, and stress.  This technique may also increase concentration, inner peace, and relaxation. 

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Mindfulness is a form of meditation.  This type of meditation involves being intensely aware of your current senses and feelings without analysis or judgment.  Mindfulness includes breathing techniques, guided imagery, and various other acts to promote relaxation. 

Physical therapy
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Physical therapy seeks to prevent injuries/illnesses and to also assist in promoting healing and recovery after an injury/illness.  Through a balance of various manual therapies, exercises, and therapeutic activities, physical therapy improves both function and mobility, as well as decreases pain.  Various orthopedic, neurological, cardiac, respiratory, and general medical conditions, in addition to general deconditioning may be treated with physical therapy. 

Image result for pilates
This is a type of low-impact exercise which increases core muscle strength and endurance.  Exercises are completed using your own body weight and springs.  By targeting the core muscles, overall muscle control and stability are improved, thereby also promoting enhanced flexibility, posture, and proper movement patterns.  These benefits of Pilates assist with injury prevention and rehabilitation. 

Image result for rolfing
This type of deep tissue manipulation seeks to improve postural alignment, structure, and body function.  By influencing the connective tissues of the body, Rolfing affects the movement patterns of the body.  Benefits of this treatment including increased range of motion, improved posture, reduced pain, and reduced stress.

Image result for yoga firefighter
Yoga combines emotional and mental awareness with different physical poses to help relieve stress and improve flexibility.  There are different types of yoga, but the commonality among each type is integrating deep, slow, steady breathing with specific poses. 

By: J. Scott, DPT, ATC, TSAC-F

American Academy of Manipulative Therapy
The Mayo Clinic
The International Cupping Therapy Association
