Barbell vs. Hex bar
The barbell and the hex bar (also known as the trap bar) each
have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Although the barbell can be used for a variety of exercises, the hex bar
is typically only used for the deadlift and the shrug exercises. Before you pick which piece of equipment you
use for the deadlift exercise, there are some important factors to consider
including previous/current injuries; current pain; your comfort level with the
exercise, as well as the equipment; and what is the goal of your workout?
There are multiple differences in appearance and function
between the two bars. The barbell is a
7-foot long, straight bar, in which the weight lifted is in front of your
body. Conversely, the hex bar has a six-sided,
hexagonal shape within the middle of the bar.
When using the hex bar, you stand inside this hexagonal shape and hold
the handles on each side of you, allowing the weight lifted to be in line with
the middle of your body.
How to do a deadlift
- Load the barbell or the hex bar with an appropriate weight
- For the barbell, step up to the bar, keeping the bar as close to your shins as possible
- For the hex bar, step into the center of the hexagonal shape
- Keeping your feet a little wider than hip-width apart, squat down to grab the barbell with your hands just outside your legs, or grab a hold of the handles on each side of you on the hex bar
- Pull the weight off the floor, continuing to maintain a straight back throughout this movement
- Finish the exercise in a standing position, with the weight at thigh-level
Advantages of the barbell deadlift
- As more weight is in front of your body, there is greater force through the knees
- Greater work must be performed by the legs
Advantages of the hex bar deadlift
- You can lift more weight using the hex bar (higher 1-repetition max)
- The handles of the hex bar allow the wrists to be in a neutral position, thus decreasing risk of injury to the wrists and arms
- With the weight located in line with the body, there is decreased risk of spinal injury
Whether you chose to use the barbell or the hex bar for the deadlift, this exercise is designed to increase muscle strength and endurance of multiple large muscles within the legs and core. Don’t be afraid to use variety within your workout. I challenge you to think about how can you slightly change an exercise or build upon it without necessarily significantly changing the amount of weight you are using.
By: J. Scott, DPT, ATC, CSCS, TSAC-F
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