The dreaded New Year's resolution

The dreaded New Year’s resolution

With another year coming to an end, we reflect upon the past and look forward to the future.  As many Americans attempt to start January with a “New Year’s resolution”, this is a time of year for a fresh start.  Although many people may have good intentions, most resolutions are abandoned before the winter snow and ice has melted in New England.  Rather than trying to make big changes all at once, this year I challenge you to lead a healthier lifestyle, with small modifications over time.

Before choosing a New Year’s resolution, any lifestyle changes that you would like to make should be something that you want, or something that would make you happy.  It is much easier to work towards achieving something that excites you, rather than something that someone else wants for you.  Think about why you want to make these changes and why it is important to you.  However, don’t forget to be realistic in knowing what you can and cannot change.  We can only be in control of our own thoughts and actions.

Small lifestyle changes 

  • Instead of having ice cream, have frozen yogurt
  • Drink a glass of water before eating a meal
  • Fill your plate with many different colors of fruits and vegetables
  • Have an apple instead of an energy drink
  • Switch from soda to seltzer water (if you do not like seltzer water, mix seltzer water with a little bit of cranberry juice)
  • Follow a night-time routine and set an alarm to remind you of bedtime
  • Park the car far away from the door, so you have to walk a longer distance to get where you are going
  • Try something new – whether that is a new exercise, walking/running trail, or fruit/vegetable
  • Find some kind of support system to motivate and encourage you
  • Reward yourself once in a while for working hard

Do not look at New Year’s resolutions as something negative.  This is not a punishment, but rather an opportunity to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle.  Making such changes are a process that takes time, and unfortunately such changes do not just happen overnight.  Life is about balance.  How are you going to add more balance to your life this year?   

By:  J. Scott, DPT, ATC, CSCS, TSAC-F
